Token sale proposal

Another interesting proposal that can be created within a DAO is the TokenSaleProposal. This proposal enables the initiation of token sales (a.k.a. tiers) according to certain rules. The main executor should be the TokenSaleProposal contract, which retains all the created tiers within a DAO it deployed alongside with. Both custom tokens and ERC20Gov tokens can be sold in tiers. Upon the creation of tiers, sale token amounts are transferred from the treasury to the TokenSaleProposal contract, so it's necessary to approve this transfer beforehand. Let's create a tier that will sell ERC20Gov tokens in exchange for the native currency.

function createTier(
    IGovPool govPool,
    ITokenSaleProposal tokenSaleProposal,
    IERC20Gov govToken
) external {
    address[] memory purchaseTokenAddresses = new address[](1);
    uint256[] memory exchangeRates = new uint256[](1);

    /// @dev 1 GovToken = 2 ETH
    purchaseTokenAddresses[0] = ETHEREUM_ADDRESS;
    exchangeRates[0] = 2 * PRECISION;

    uint256 totalTokenProvided = 100 ether;

    ITokenSaleProposal.TierInitParams memory _tierInitParams = ITokenSaleProposal
            metadata: ITokenSaleProposal.TierMetadata({name: "", description: ""}),
            totalTokenProvided: totalTokenProvided,
            saleStartTime: uint64(block.timestamp + 2 days),
            saleEndTime: uint64(block.timestamp + 9 days),
            claimLockDuration: 0,
            saleTokenAddress: address(govToken),
            purchaseTokenAddresses: purchaseTokenAddresses,
            exchangeRates: exchangeRates,
            minAllocationPerUser: 0,
            maxAllocationPerUser: 0,
            vestingSettings: ITokenSaleProposal.VestingSettings({
                vestingPercentage: 0,
                vestingDuration: 0,
                cliffPeriod: 0,
                unlockStep: 0
            participationDetails: new ITokenSaleProposal.ParticipationDetails[](0)

        memory tierInitParams = new ITokenSaleProposal.TierInitParams[](1);
    tierInitParams[0] = _tierInitParams;

    IGovPool.ProposalAction[] memory actionsFor = new IGovPool.ProposalAction[](2);
    actionsFor[0] = IGovPool.ProposalAction({
        executor: address(govToken),
        value: 0,
        data: abi.encodeWithSelector(
    actionsFor[1] = IGovPool.ProposalAction({
        executor: address(tokenSaleProposal),
        value: 0,
        data: abi.encodeWithSelector(ITokenSaleProposal.createTiers.selector, tierInitParams)

    IGovPool.ProposalAction[] memory actionsAgainst = new IGovPool.ProposalAction[](0);

    govPool.createProposal("Create tier", actionsFor, actionsAgainst);

In this tier, all optional parameters are configured with zero values. In addition, your proposal has the flexibility to combine different types of whitelists within the participationDetails parameter, allowing you to restrict certain addresses from participating in a tier, or to set vestingSettings to provide a gradual withdrawal of tokens for customers, etc.

Once the createTier proposal is successfully executed, users are given the ability to purchase tokens in this tier by calling the buy method on the TokenSaleProposal contract. After the saleEndTime, they should also use the claim and vestingWithdraw methods to withdraw purchased tokens.

The proposals in the GovPool also allow you to call several useful methods on the TokenSaleProposal contract. For instance, you can use offTiers to halt sales in certain tiers, addToWhitelist if participationDetails contains ParticipationType.Whitelist, and recover to transfer unsold tokens back to the treasury.