
The ERC721Power contract is designed to enhance the functionalities of ERC721 through the introduction of a dynamic NFT power mechanism based on collateralization and time. This token can be selected for voting in proposals over the typical ERC721/ERC721Enumerable that have the same power for each NFT called individualPower. The protocol provides two ERC721Power contracts: ERC721EquivalentPower, in which the nftPower is determined by multiplying powerEquivalent with the ratio of nftRawPower to the totalRawPower; and ERC721RawPower, where the power of NFTs corresponds directly to their individual nftRawPower.

It's important to note that this contract is not deployed by the factory, so you must either have the existent contract address or deploy it independently. There are two ways to integrate it into the DAO. The simpler approach involves passing it along with the poolParameters during the deployment of your DAO.

function createDAO(IERC721Power nftPower) external {
    IPoolFactory.GovPoolDeployParams memory poolParameters = _getPoolParameters();

    require(nftPower.supportsInterface(type(IERC721Power).interfaceId), "Not a ERC721Power");

    poolParameters.userKeeperParams.nftAddress = address(nftPower);


An alternative way for configuring the custom NFT address is to deploy a pool with a zero nftAddress and then initiate a proposal for the change.

function setERC721Address(IERC721Power nftPower) external {
    require(nftPower.supportsInterface(type(IERC721Power).interfaceId), "Not a ERC721Power");

    IGovPool.ProposalAction[] memory actionsFor = new IGovPool.ProposalAction[](1);
    actionsFor[0] = IGovPool.ProposalAction({
        executor: address(govUserKeeper),
        value: 0,
        data: abi.encodeWithSelector(IGovUserKeeper.setERC721Address.selector, nftPower)
    IGovPool.ProposalAction[] memory actionsAgainst = new IGovPool.ProposalAction[](0);

    govPool.createProposal("Set ERC721Power", actionsFor, actionsAgainst);