Interface Description
License: MIT
This is the Governance pool contract. This contract is the third contract the user can deploy through the factory. The users can participate in proposal's creation, voting and execution processes
Enums info
The enum that holds information about proposal state
Name | Description |
Voting | the proposal is in voting state |
WaitingForVotingTransfer | the proposal is approved and waiting for transfer to validators contract |
ValidatorVoting | the proposal is in validators voting state |
Defeated | the proposal is defeated |
SucceededFor | the proposal is succeeded on for step |
SucceededAgainst | the proposal is succeeded on against step |
Locked | the proposal is locked |
ExecutedFor | the proposal is executed on for step |
ExecutedAgainst | the proposal is executed on against step |
Undefined | the proposal is undefined |
The enum that holds information about reward type
Name | Description |
Create | the reward type for proposal creation |
Vote | the reward type for voting for proposal |
Execute | the reward type for proposal execution |
SaveOffchainResults | the reward type for saving off-chain results |
The enum that holds information about vote type
Name | Description |
PersonalVote | the vote type for personal voting |
MicropoolVote | the vote type for micropool voting |
DelegatedVote | the vote type for delegated voting |
TreasuryVote | the vote type for treasury voting |
Structs info
The struct that holds information about dependencies
Name | Type | Description |
settingsAddress | address | the address of settings contract |
userKeeperAddress | address | the address of user keeper contract |
validatorsAddress | address payable | the address of validators contract |
expertNftAddress | address | the address of expert nft contract |
nftMultiplierAddress | address | the address of nft multiplier contract |
votePowerAddress | address | the address of vote power contract |
The struct holds core properties of proposal
Name | Type | Description |
settings | struct IGovSettings.ProposalSettings | the struct that holds information about settings of the proposal |
voteEnd | uint64 | the timestamp of voting end for the proposal |
executeAfter | uint64 | the timestamp of execution in seconds after voting end |
executed | bool | the boolean indicating whether the proposal has been executed |
votesFor | uint256 | the total number of votes for the proposal from all voters |
votesAgainst | uint256 | the total number of votes against the proposal from all voters |
rawVotesFor | uint256 | the total number of votes for the proposal from all voters before the formula |
rawVotesAgainst | uint256 | the total number of votes against the proposal from all voters before the formula |
givenRewards | uint256 | the amount of rewards payable after the proposal execution |
The struct holds information about proposal action
Name | Type | Description |
executor | address | the address of call's target, bounded by index with |
value | uint256 | the eth value for call, bounded by index with |
data | bytes | the of call data, bounded by index with |
The struct holds all information about proposal
Name | Type | Description |
core | struct IGovPool.ProposalCore | the struct that holds information about core properties of proposal |
descriptionURL | string | the string with link to IPFS doc with proposal description |
actionsOnFor | struct IGovPool.ProposalAction[] | the array of structs with information about actions on for step |
actionsOnAgainst | struct IGovPool.ProposalAction[] | the array of structs with information about actions on against step |
The struct that is used in view functions of contract as a return argument
Name | Type | Description |
proposal | struct IGovPool.Proposal | the |
validatorProposal | struct IGovValidators.ExternalProposal | the |
proposalState | enum IGovPool.ProposalState | the value from enum |
requiredQuorum | uint256 | the required votes amount to confirm the proposal |
requiredValidatorsQuorum | uint256 | the the required validator votes to confirm the proposal |
The struct that holds information about the typed vote (only for internal needs)
Name | Type | Description |
tokensVoted | uint256 | the total erc20 amount voted from one user for the proposal before the formula |
totalVoted | uint256 | the total power of typed votes from one user for the proposal before the formula |
nftsAmount | uint256 | the amount of nfts participating in the vote |
nftsVoted | struct EnumerableSet.UintSet | the set of ids of nfts voted from one user for the proposal |
The struct that holds information about the global vote properties (only for internal needs)
Name | Type | Description |
rawVotes | mapping(enum IGovPool.VoteType => struct IGovPool.RawVote) | matching vote types with their infos |
isVoteFor | bool | the boolean flag that indicates whether the vote is "for" the proposal |
totalVoted | uint256 | the total power of votes from one user for the proposal after the formula |
totalRawVoted | uint256 | the total power of votes from one user for the proposal before the formula |
The struct that is used in view functions of contract as a return argument
Name | Type | Description |
isVoteFor | bool | the boolean flag that indicates whether the vote is "for" the proposal |
totalVoted | uint256 | the total power of votes from one user for the proposal after the formula |
tokensVoted | uint256 | the total erc20 amount voted from one user for the proposal before the formula |
totalRawVoted | uint256 | the total power of typed votes from one user for the proposal before the formula |
nftsVoted | uint256[] | the set of ids of nfts voted from one user for the proposal |
The struct that is used in view functions of contract as a return argument
Name | Type | Description |
rewardTokens | address[] | the list of reward tokens |
isVoteFor | bool[] | the list of flags indicating whether the vote is "for" the proposal |
isClaimed | bool[] | the list of flags indicating whether the rewards have been claimed |
expectedRewards | uint256[] | the list of expected rewards to be claimed |
The struct that holds information about the delegator (only for internal needs)
Name | Type | Description |
delegationTimes | uint256[] | the list of timestamps when delegated amount was changed |
delegationPowers | uint256[] | the list of delegated assets powers |
isClaimed | mapping(uint256 => bool) | matching proposals ids with flags indicating whether rewards have been claimed |
The struct that holds reward properties (only for internal needs)
Name | Type | Description |
areVotingRewardsSet | mapping(uint256 => bool) | matching proposals ids with flags indicating whether voting rewards have been set during the personal or micropool claim |
staticRewards | mapping(uint256 => uint256) | matching proposal ids to their static rewards |
votingRewards | mapping(uint256 => struct IGovPool.VotingRewards) | matching proposal ids to their voting rewards |
offchainRewards | mapping(address => uint256) | matching off-chain token addresses to their rewards |
offchainTokens | struct EnumerableSet.AddressSet | the list of off-chain token addresses |
The struct that holds the user info (only for internal needs)
Name | Type | Description |
voteInfos | mapping(uint256 => struct IGovPool.VoteInfo) | matching proposal ids to their infos |
pendingRewards | struct IGovPool.PendingRewards | user's pending rewards |
delegatorInfos | mapping(address => struct IGovPool.DelegatorInfo) | matching delegators to their infos |
votedInProposals | struct EnumerableSet.UintSet | the list of active proposals user voted in |
treasuryExemptProposals | struct EnumerableSet.UintSet | the list of proposals user's treasury is exempted from |
The struct that is used in view functions of contract as a return argument
Name | Type | Description |
personal | uint256 | rewards for the personal voting |
micropool | uint256 | rewards for the micropool voting |
treasury | uint256 | rewards for the treasury voting |
The struct that is used in view functions of contract as a return argument
Name | Type | Description |
onchainTokens | address[] | the list of on-chain token addresses |
staticRewards | uint256[] | the list of static rewards |
votingRewards | struct IGovPool.VotingRewards[] | the list of voting rewards |
offchainRewards | uint256[] | the list of off-chain rewards |
offchainTokens | address[] | the list of off-chain token addresses |
The struct is used to hold info about validators monthly withdrawal credit
Name | Type | Description |
tokenList | address[] | the list of token allowed to withdraw |
tokenInfo | mapping(address => struct IGovPool.TokenCreditInfo) | the mapping token => withdrawals history and limits |
The struct is used to hold info about limits and withdrawals history
Name | Type | Description |
monthLimit | uint256 | the monthly withdraw limit for the token |
cumulativeAmounts | uint256[] | the list of amounts withdrawn |
timestamps | uint256[] | the list of timestamps of withdraws |
The struct is used to return info about current credit state
Name | Type | Description |
token | address | the token address |
monthLimit | uint256 | the amount that validator could withdraw monthly |
currentWithdrawLimit | uint256 | the amount that validators could withdraw now |
The struct that holds off-chain properties (only for internal needs)
Name | Type | Description |
verifier | address | the off-chain verifier address |
resultsHash | string | the ipfs results hash |
usedHashes | mapping(bytes32 => bool) | matching hashes to their usage state |
Functions info
getHelperContracts (0x485f4044)
The function to get helper contract of this pool
Return values:
Name | Type | Description |
settings | address | settings address |
userKeeper | address | user keeper address |
validators | address | validators address |
poolRegistry | address | pool registry address |
votePower | address | vote power address |
getNftContracts (0x80326e95)
The function to get the nft contracts of this pool
Return values:
Name | Type | Description |
nftMultiplier | address | rewards multiplier nft contract |
expertNft | address | local expert nft contract |
dexeExpertNft | address | global expert nft contract |
babt | address | binance bound token |
createProposal (0xda1c6cfa)
Create proposal
Name | Type | Description |
descriptionURL | string | IPFS url to the proposal's description |
actionsOnFor | struct IGovPool.ProposalAction[] | the array of structs with information about actions on for step |
actionsOnAgainst | struct IGovPool.ProposalAction[] | the array of structs with information about actions on against step |
createProposalAndVote (0xee0e5215)
Create and vote for on the proposal
Name | Type | Description |
descriptionURL | string | IPFS url to the proposal's description |
actionsOnFor | struct IGovPool.ProposalAction[] | the array of structs with information about actions on for step |
actionsOnAgainst | struct IGovPool.ProposalAction[] | the array of structs with information about actions on against step |
voteAmount | uint256 | the erc20 vote amount |
voteNftIds | uint256[] | the nft ids that will be used in voting |
moveProposalToValidators (0x2db47bdd)
Move proposal from internal voting to Validators
Name | Type | Description |
proposalId | uint256 | Proposal ID |
vote (0x544df02c)
The function for voting for proposal with own tokens
Name | Type | Description |
proposalId | uint256 | the id of the proposal |
isVoteFor | bool | the bool flag for voting for or against the proposal |
voteAmount | uint256 | the erc20 vote amount |
voteNftIds | uint256[] | the nft ids that will be used in voting |
cancelVote (0xbacbe2da)
The function for canceling vote
Name | Type | Description |
proposalId | uint256 | the id of the proposal to cancel all votes from which |
deposit (0xde3ab781)
The function for depositing tokens to the pool
Name | Type | Description |
amount | uint256 | the erc20 deposit amount |
nftIds | uint256[] | the array of nft ids to deposit |
withdraw (0xfb8c5ef0)
The function for withdrawing deposited tokens
Name | Type | Description |
receiver | address | the withdrawal receiver address |
amount | uint256 | the erc20 withdrawal amount |
nftIds | uint256[] | the array of nft ids to withdraw |
delegate (0x46d0b0b9)
The function for delegating tokens
Name | Type | Description |
delegatee | address | the target address for delegation (person who will receive the delegation) |
amount | uint256 | the erc20 delegation amount |
nftIds | uint256[] | the array of nft ids to delegate |
delegateTreasury (0x39588f1e)
The function for delegating tokens from treasury
Name | Type | Description |
delegatee | address | the target address for delegation (person who will receive the delegation) |
amount | uint256 | the erc20 delegation amount |
nftIds | uint256[] | the array of nft ids to delegate |
undelegate (0x7810436a)
The function for undelegating delegated tokens
Name | Type | Description |
delegatee | address | the undelegation target address (person who will be undelegated) |
amount | uint256 | the erc20 undelegation amount |
nftIds | uint256[] | the array of nft ids to undelegate |
undelegateTreasury (0xb6b90df4)
The function for undelegating delegated tokens from treasury
Name | Type | Description |
delegatee | address | the undelegation target address (person who will be undelegated) |
amount | uint256 | the erc20 undelegation amount |
nftIds | uint256[] | the array of nft ids to undelegate |
unlock (0x2f6c493c)
The function that unlocks user funds in completed proposals
Name | Type | Description |
user | address | the user whose funds to unlock |
execute (0xfe0d94c1)
Execute proposal
Name | Type | Description |
proposalId | uint256 | Proposal ID |
claimRewards (0x0520537f)
The function for claiming rewards from executed proposals
Name | Type | Description |
proposalIds | uint256[] | the array of proposal ids |
user | address | the address of the user |
claimMicropoolRewards (0x7b0e1203)
The function for claiming micropool rewards from executed proposals
Name | Type | Description |
proposalIds | uint256[] | the array of proposal ids |
delegator | address | the address of the delegator |
delegatee | address | the address of the delegatee |
changeVotePower (0xcfd9c3c3)
The function to change vote power contract
Name | Type | Description |
votePower | address | new contract for the voting power formula |
editDescriptionURL (0x0dbf1c47)
The function for changing description url
Name | Type | Description |
newDescriptionURL | string | the string with new url |
changeVerifier (0xcf04fb94)
The function for changing verifier address
Name | Type | Description |
newVerifier | address | the address of verifier |
setCreditInfo (0xbaa7652f)
The function for setting validators credit limit
Name | Type | Description |
tokens | address[] | the list of tokens to credit |
amounts | uint256[] | the list of amounts to credit per month |
transferCreditAmount (0xc1e09f97)
The function for fulfilling transfer request from validators
Name | Type | Description |
tokens | address[] | the list of tokens to send |
amounts | uint256[] | the list of amounts to send |
destination | address | the address to send tokens |
changeBABTRestriction (0x2050a31b)
The function for changing the KYC restriction
Name | Type | Description |
onlyBABT | bool | true id restriction is needed |
setNftMultiplierAddress (0xa43040eb)
The function for setting address of nft multiplier contract
Name | Type | Description |
nftMultiplierAddress | address | the address of nft multiplier |
saveOffchainResults (0x41c47e3e)
The function for saving ipfs hash of off-chain proposal results
Name | Type | Description |
resultsHash | string | the ipfs results hash |
signature | bytes | the signature from verifier |
getProposals (0x5e3b4365)
The paginated function for getting proposal info list
Name | Type | Description |
offset | uint256 | the proposal starting index |
limit | uint256 | the number of proposals to observe |
Return values:
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | struct IGovPool.ProposalView[] |
getProposalState (0x9080936f)
Name | Type | Description |
proposalId | uint256 | Proposal ID |
Return values:
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | enum IGovPool.ProposalState |
getUserActiveProposalsCount (0x38fa211c)
The function for getting user's active proposals count
Name | Type | Description |
user | address | the address of user |
Return values:
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | uint256 | the number of active proposals |
getTotalVotes (0x6545ea83)
The function for getting total raw votes in the proposal by one voter
Name | Type | Description |
proposalId | uint256 | the id of proposal |
voter | address | the address of voter |
voteType | enum IGovPool.VoteType | the type of vote |
Return values:
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | uint256 |
getProposalRequiredQuorum (0xda437f37)
The function to get required quorum of proposal
Name | Type | Description |
proposalId | uint256 | the id of proposal |
Return values:
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | uint256 | the required number for votes to reach the quorum |
getUserVotes (0x466d7af2)
The function to get information about user's votes
Name | Type | Description |
proposalId | uint256 | the id of proposal |
voter | address | the address of voter |
voteType | enum IGovPool.VoteType | the type of vote |
Return values:
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | struct IGovPool.VoteInfoView |
getWithdrawableAssets (0x7ecd20bb)
The function to get withdrawable assets
Name | Type | Description |
delegator | address | the delegator address |
Return values:
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | uint256 |
getPendingRewards (0x566aff6a)
The function to get on-chain and off-chain rewards
Name | Type | Description |
user | address | the address of the user whose rewards are required |
proposalIds | uint256[] | the list of proposal ids |
Return values:
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | struct IGovPool.PendingRewardsView | the list of rewards |
getDelegatorRewards (0x529285af)
The function to get delegator staking rewards from all micropools
Name | Type | Description |
proposalIds | uint256[] | the list of proposal ids |
delegator | address | the address of the delegator |
delegatee | address | the address of the delegatee |
Return values:
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | struct IGovPool.DelegatorRewards | rewards delegator rewards |
getCreditInfo (0xf06817cf)
The function to get info about validators credit limit
Return values:
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | struct IGovPool.CreditInfoView[] | the list of credit infos |
getOffchainInfo (0xb3a72fc4)
The function to get off-chain info
Return values:
Name | Type | Description |
validator | address | the verifier address |
resultsHash | string | the ipfs hash |
getOffchainSignHash (0x8e19ade9)
The function to get the sign hash from string resultsHash, chainid, govPool address
Name | Type | Description |
resultsHash | string | the ipfs hash |
user | address | the user who requests the signature |
Return values:
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | bytes32 | bytes32 hash |
getExpertStatus (0x0660b478)
The function to get expert status of a voter
Return values:
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | bool | address of a person, who votes |
coreProperties (0xe9bbc80c)
The function to get core properties
Return values:
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | contract ICoreProperties |