Distribution proposal

You can create a special proposal called a distribution proposal that distributes tokens proportionally based on the personal votes casted by users in this proposal. To create it, you need to set the main executor to the DistributionProposal contract, which is unique for each DAO and can be either predicted by calling the PoolFactory's method or obtained from a third-party source. Now let's create a proposal that distributes 10 ETH.

function createDistributionProposal(
    IGovPool govPool,
    IDistributionProposal distributionProposal
) external {
    uint256 proposalId = GovPool(payable(address(govPool))).latestProposalId();
    uint256 amount = 10 ether;

    IGovPool.ProposalAction[] memory actionsFor = new IGovPool.ProposalAction[](1);
    actionsFor[0] = IGovPool.ProposalAction({
        executor: address(distributionProposal),
        value: 0,
        data: abi.encodeWithSelector(

    IGovPool.ProposalAction[] memory actionsAgainst = new IGovPool.ProposalAction[](0);

    govPool.createProposal("Distribution proposal", actionsFor, actionsAgainst);

Please take note that you need to manually pass the ID of the proposal you create as a parameter to the execute function. If an incorrect ID is passed, the creation will be reverted, as the DistributionProposal contract implements the IProposalValidator.validate hook.

contract DistributionProposal is IProposalValidator, /* ... */ {
    /// ...
    function validate(
        IGovPool.ProposalAction[] calldata actions
    ) external view override returns (bool valid) {
        uint256 proposalId = uint256(bytes32(actions[actions.length - 1].data[4:36]));

        return proposalId == GovPool(payable(govAddress)).latestProposalId();

Once the distribution proposal has been executed, voters can claim their rewards by calling the claim method on the DistributionProposal contract.